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Female Viagra

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Women Viagra is a new medication that has been specifically designed to treat Female sexual dysfunction. It works by improving blood flow and is known to help women suffering from sexual arousal disorder (the difficulity in becoming aroused), dyspareunia (paiful sex) and anorgasmia, the difficulity to orgasm or climax during sex. While many are still unaware that this product exists for women, millions around the world have started to use it regularly.

FSD can be experienced in several different forms and affect a womans life in many negative ways. The most common problem that women Viagra treats is related to decreased blood flow, which can cause pain, and lowered vaginal sensitivity during intercourse. This is due to a lack of vaginal lubrication, which will also make it difficult for a woman to reach climax. Throughout this article, we will further touch on all of these conditions, and how they affect a womans sex life.

In the past, we were only able to acquire the pharmaceuticals that we need by going to the high street chemist after visiting the doctor for a prescription. Today, many online marketplaces exist, offering these incredible medications for much lower prices than the local chemist. On top of this, online pharmacies also eliminate the need to obtain a prescription from the doctor, making the process much easier overall. By the end of this article, you will know exactly how you can order woman Viagra, and have it delivered to your home.

What is Lovegra

What is Women Viagra?

After a large success with the drug for men, pharmaceutical companies set out to find an effective solution to treat FSD. After studies were conducted, it was found the women were able to use the same active ingredient found in the original medication, known as Sildenafil. The main women Viagra medication uses the active ingredient Sildenafil, and is known as Lovegra.

Different active ingredients are effective in treating different FSD conditions, so it is important to be sure you are using the correct one. Addyi, which uses Flibanserin, is licensed for treating hypoactive sexual desire disorder, or HSDD. This form of treatment is intended for women who have not gone through menopause, but struggle with low sexual desire and decreased libido. Sildenafil-based women Viagra offers different results and is for treating the other 3 FSDs.

What Is Women Viagra Used For?

Female sexual dysfunction, as mentioned, comes in the form of several different conditions that can be treated with different women Viagra. We will briefly cover the details of each condition, and how it affects a womans sex life.

Anorgasmia- This is when a woman experiences a long delay in achieving an orgasm, is infrequent, or simply does not occur. This will be the outcome even after fully enduring sexual stimulation of the vaginal region. This can make a woman feel insecure during sexual intercourse, as often the reasoning is not clear behind the condition.

Dyspareunia- This is when a woman experiences pain during sexual intercourse. This condition is defined as when someone experiences ongoing pain in the genital region before, during, or after sexual intercourse.

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder- Prominent in up to 1 out of 3 women, this is when women experience an absence or deficiency of sexual desire or fantasies which can cause mental distress and relational difficulties.

Female sexual arousal disorder- This is considered the most common sexual female sexual dysfunction experienced by women. Female sexual arousal disorder (FSAD) can be defined as women experiencing a lack of willingness to participate in sex, or willingness to continue participating in a sexual encounter halfway through. This can happen due to a lack of blood flow to the vaginal, labial and clitoral smooth muscles.

How Does Woman Viagra Work?

Although there are two different active ingredients used to address different female sexual disorders, we will focus on Sildenafil, and how it can help women struggling with their sex life. When the woman Viagra medication Lovegra is taken, it works by stimulating the flow of blood in the genital region of women. This is beneficial in many different ways for the women using it, helping to address most of the discomforts that may be experienced.

When taken, a chemical known as cGMP, or cyclic guanosine monophosphate will begin to thrive after the PDE-5 enzymes in the body have dissipated. This allows the blood to freely flow into the genital region once nitric oxide levels have increased. When this happens, the sensitivity levels of the clitoris are enhanced, increasing the pleasure sensation. This will also assist with stimulating the Bartholins glands located on each side of the vaginal opening. These glands secrete vaginal wetness, promoting self-lubrication for more comfortable, and enjoyable sexual encounters.

There are several ways to naturally assist with blood flow throughout the body as well, which can increase the effects of women Viagra. Lifestyle changes such as giving up smoking, increasing cardiovascular exercise, lowering stress levels, and adjusting dietary intake can drastically increase blood circulation in the body.

clitoral smooth muscles.

How Long Does Woman Viagra Take to Work?

When taking women Viagra, in particular Lovegra, it is considered a relatively fast-acting medication. This medication is to be used on an as-needed basis, generally about 1 hour before engaging in sexual activities, if it is a traditional pill form. This women Viagra is also offered in jelly form, which is metabolised quicker than tablets. If this form of medicine is being used, it is best to take it about 30 minutes before sexual activity. For many women, they may notice the effects within 15-20 minutes, however.

The medication can begin working at different times for different people. For those over the age of 65, women Viagra may take a longer time to show its effects. This is because as we age, the speed of our metabolism slows, taking a longer period of time for pharmaceuticals to function. If you have consumed a large meal right before taking women Viagra, it may take a longer period of time to demonstrate the effects. Eating a large meal will not make the effects weaker, however; it will only increase the time it takes for the full effects to be onset for the patient.

What is Lovegra Oral Jelly

How Long Does Woman Viagra Last?

The amount of time that patients will experience the effects of woman Viagra may differ from person to person. There are several different reasons why this could be. Although the majority of patients will have a normal metabolism speed, some may metabolise medicine faster, and some slower. When someone has a slow metabolism, they could experience the full effects of the drug for even longer.

Those with a fast metabolism could experience effects for less than 4 hours. On average, the full effects are known to last for generally between 4-6 hours. Although the most potent effects of the medication will last for 4-6 hours, the medication will remain in the bloodstream for an average of 1 day. This means that while they may be weaker, the patients may note the benefits of women Viagra for up to 24 hours.

Woman Viagra Side Effects

Side effects are unfortunately something that has a possibility of being experienced in the pharmaceutical world, no matter the medication being taken. When taking women Viagra, this is a possibility, but it is more commonly an issue relating to incorrect use of the medication. For this reason, it is very important to ensure that you are following recommended dosing guidelines when using women Viagra tablets. While the side effects of women Viagra are not life-threatening, they can still be intrusive. Some of the possible side effects may include:

  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Facial flushing
  • Headache
  • Nasal congestion

If you find yourself experiencing any of these side effects, there is no need to be concerned. In most situations, the side effects will only last the duration of the medicines strongest effects, so they should disappear within about 4 hours of consumption. If the woman Viagra side effects are experienced at night time, trying to get some rest can be an effective way to avoid the discomfort of them.

How to Avoid Woman Viagra Side Effects

There are many different ways that patients can both avoid or settle the side effects that may be experienced when using woman Viagra. The most effective way to avoid side effects is to ensure you are using the medication at the lowest possible dosage. This is the best way to avoid them, as higher dosages bring on more potential for side effects.

If you are taking woman Viagra of any kind, it is important to avoid consuming alcohol at the same time. Both alcohol and recreational drugs could heighten the possibility of side effects to occur. Grapefruit juice may also make the possibility of side effects more unpredictable, as it will delay the absorption of the active ingredients, and can mimic a larger dosage. For this reason it is advised to avoid eating grapefruit when using this type of medication.

Some other effective ways to avoid side effects when taking woman Viagra could be some lifestyle adjustments. Some of these can include drinking 2L of water each day, as hydration is very important when using pharmaceuticals. A cleaner diet can be effective as well. This can include reducing high-fat meals, sugary foods or snacks, and drinking water instead of sugary beverages.

What is Kamagra

Buy Woman Viagra Today

Now that we have explained exactly how you can benefit from this incedible now medication, women Viagra, all that is left for you to do is place your order. Completing an order for woman Viagra from our website is very easy, and can be done from any computer, or smart device. Once you have decided on the medicine, choose a quantity. We offer better prices per dosage when buying in bulk, so review the prices for larger orders. Add your choice to your shopping cart when you have decided. After this, you can move on to the checkout section to complete your order.

When you arrive at the checkout, you will be required to input your shipping information and contact information. You will then be asked to choose a payment method, of which we accept Visa, MasterCard, and Bitcoin. For first-time orders paid with Bitcoin, clients will receive a 50% discount one time only. After submitting your order, check your inbox for a confirmation email. This email will show the expected delivery date and the name that will appear on your bank statement. Deliveries in the EU and France are expected in 4-7 days after ordering.

If you have any issues with your woman Viagra order, or simply have some unanswered questions, please contact our 24-hour customer support team. If you are looking to see where your package is, use the tracking number that will be sent to your email once your order has shipped.

Improve your sexual health and happiness with Women Viagra. Order today at kamagrafrance.com.

Dr Sophie Laurent
Reviewed by:

Dr Sophie Laurent

Meet Dr Sophie Laurent, a medical professional who is passionate about helping patients overcome sexual dysfunction and who also has a profound love of literature.

Last Reviewed: 15th July 2024
Next Review Due: August 2025

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